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OVAHA Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday January 12, 2011 @ 7:15 pm
Panera Bread on Miller Lane
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Time and Place:

7:15 p.m., Panera Bread on Miller Lane

Read meeting minutes from December meeting. Tammy motioned to accept them as read, Linda seconded, motioned passed.

Denise sent an e-mail to Sheri. She wants to discuss non-profit tax return that needs to be filed (we should have filed in 2008 & 2009). We don’t owe any taxes but we should file a return as a non-profit that had gross receipts. She did apply for the federal tax id. 

Other Business
Linda had info on the Preble tack sale. It will be Sun Feb 27th, from 9-4. The cost is still $15 per 10ft space, and we will do two spaces as always. Quite a few will be gone to Scottsdale. Linda has offered to chair the tack sale. Trv-lyn motioned for a budget of $30, Sharon seconded - motion passed. Sharon will send an e-mail blast. Linda will take stuff at the Reg 14 meeting and will get the banner. Sharon mentioned the option of raising the percentage the club keeps, most felt it was fine at what it was, since it wasn’t about making money, but a service for our members and promoting the Arab horse and the club.

Easter weekend is the Spring Show at Clark County Fairgrounds, Champion Center.

Strawberry Festival
The restaurant has been sold – do not know if current owner wanted to support OVAHA. Not sure if application has been submitted yet.

Summer Sizzler (SS)
Has submitted stuff to USEF and AHA.  Has asked Joe Polo, President of the IN club that partners with us if they want to do the Sizzler – they do. He is also is being considered for judge on the Reg 14 day – we are awaiting a reply. Matt will have flyers for show made up for tack sale.

Sharon asked about club membership cards, as we haven’t done any for the past year. Most were not concerned with getting a card from the club since it is on our AHA cards.

Talked about club meetings. Jim mentioned how in the past the club would meet Sept – April and each month they had a speaker. Sheri has someone lined up to speak to us about digestive issues. Do not if there are any expenses involved. Mary volunteered her barn. We will shoot for April or May. Sheri will check and then we will give date. Linda mentioned Gail Reverend, a Nutrena person.

Sheri brought up the Club Excellence award. Have four events this year. Breed Promo Tammy will do, since she does frequent barn visit for the Girls Scouts, etc. Suggested Becky for Membership and Recruitment, Matt would do club projects, since he has the Sizzler. Joe offered to do the Communication part. Talked about Equine Affaire, Trv-lyn is willing to do the breed demo. Will check with Molly (OATES)

Back to SS Sharon needs to put the ribbon numbers together. Will order early to get the discount again this year. Will try to do beads for the Championships this year since Mardi Gras is the theme.

Next month’s meeting will be in Springfield at Mi Jalapeno at 7:00pm. Sharon will check with the restaurant.’’

Linda said she would need an itemized list with description and price of items people want to sell at the tack sale. She went to a new club’s meeting (Miami Valley Horse Show Assoc), it is a break from Central State.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm

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