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OVAHA Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday October 08, 2009 @ 7:20  
Hickory River BBQ
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Time and Place
7:20 Opened the Meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Meeting held at Hickory River BBQ.


Minutes read from previous meeting.  Tammy motioned to accept as read Marcia 2nd – motion passed.

Louise went of the Treasurer’s report. Final for Sat was 2956.35 and Sun $1176.96 which we get 75% of. Grounds fees were up over $7000, spent $850 on ribbons, show secretary $1,200.

Denise Mealy wants to run for Treasurer and Pam Stowe wants to run for a board position. Denise told a bit about herself (has her own graphics business, and horses and enjoys trail rides). Nomination need to be given to Mary before the November meeting as we do not take nominations from the floor.

Keri bought up the subject of the Summer Sizzler (SS) results taking so long. Suggested that perhaps next year we pay for ½ up front and pay the other ½ when we get the results.

Sherri went over the subject of a mantra (one word that creates change). She asked for words that came to people’s mind: Sherri’s was Quality, Matt’s Dedication, Linda’s Diversity. She explained that’s we want people to think of when they think of OVAHA. She also talked about over stimulation, such as info overload, which leads to distraction and reduces our productivity.

Asked us to think of what the person to our left had contributed to the club:

Radios for SS, Sport Horse Clinic, center ring, and worked SS.

If you are the Chair you must show due diligence and that needs to be your priority. She went over various stats from 2009 and 2007. In 2010 ideal would be more general meetings. Marcia feels we need more communication via functions and general meetings. Horse Journal will be our publication starting in Jan. It will be one per household.

Matt was on our web-site and feels it is a bit flat and boring. He also mentioned our bickering and back stabbing, and that we need to start getting along.

Marcia mentioned our meeting schedules and how everything seems last minute.

Halloween/Fall Party will be at Krista Bowman’s Sun 8 Nov, from 1-5, potluck so bring a dish. 

Terry Tatman will host the Christmas Party on Sat 12 Dec at 6:30.  Club will provide meat. Tammy motioned the club to pay up to $150, Linda 2nd, motion passed.

Sharon brought up subject of who do the club articles for the Equine Journal. The President will.  Linda motioned, Mary 2nd, motion passed. The Buckeye and Regional are doing flyer to join up with Equine Affaire.

Preble Tack sale will be back to the last Sunday in Feb.

Discussed Sport Horse Nationals and the success of our members.

Rec Riding
Marcia said there are 17 purebred and 9 half-arab combos riding. Reminded people to get 50, 100, 200, 250 hrs. Wants to change it to 25, 50, 100, 200, 300+. Marcia made the motion, Sharon 2nd, motion passed.

Will be a trail ride on Sun 17 Oct, place TBD.

Tammy has hi-points coming in, have 11 signed up.

Christmas Party
Would like to do a survey. Will give Hi-point award at the Christmas party. Sharon needs to send out a Christmas e-mail.

Pam Stowe and Mary Loden have agreed to chair the Futurity.

Most e-mails agreed with the requested $700 for a delegate. Tammy made motion to accept, Marcia 2nd, motion passed.  Money is for delegates only. Asked if anyone wants to be an alternate: Mary will be an alternate.

Summer Sizzler (SS)
Matt did not send in the $100 to USEF yet. Sat 14 Nov 10:00 meeting in Springfield. Marcia Deviney has given us $500 in sponsorship, also wants to do something for the youth. We have appx $1,300 in sponsorships so far. Mary will be booking a Sport Horse judge.

Marcia mentioned that next year if we do any clinics/speakers, she would like having one of them be on trail riding.

Kristin mentioned that she would like to have general meetings at people’s houses and barns.

Joe suggested perhaps doing a Quarterly Profile on our website.

Need to check with AHA re: members.

Tammy bought up the new logo. Krista motioned to accept the new logo, Tammy 2nd, 7 in favor, 2 opposed, motion passed.

November meeting will be at Krista’s during the Fall get together.

Meeting adjourned at 3:15 pm

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