We got back appx 400 of the Summer Sizzler (SS) postcards. Don't know why so many were returned, as this is the same address list we have used in the past and there were not near that many "bad" addresses.
Suzy said the show list is done - Marcia just needs to proof it and then will send to USEF.
Marcia went over the by-laws.
One thing she noted is that Michael Sonntag is a board member, but he hasn't been to a single meeting, and is not even an OVAHA member. Per the by-laws he has to be a member - Sheri is aware of this issue.
We do not have to announce three times prior to elections. Mailed announcements prior to the meeting/election is notice 1. And then announce at the meeting is notice 2. You cannot nominate from the floor of that meeting (notice 2).
We need to determine are we incorporated? We know we are non-profit, but need to check with Sheri if she has proof of incorporation. If we are, we need a copy for the Treasurer (Louise).
I had an e-mail request for the SS, will forward it to Marcia.
Krista said she has to turn in the health certificates by May 26. Decided we needed to know who could work by May 23rd (I changed it to May 25th in the e-mail), to decide if we even had enough people to go forward with the booth. |