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OVAHA Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday March 03, 2009
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Sherri Lewis, Mary Loden, Sharon Hanks, Louise Michels, Krista Bowman, Amanda Brooks, Debbie Glasener, Tammy Hawkey, Linda Laufer, James Bohren, Crista Herder.

Sherri welcomed and called the meeting to order.

Meetings from the previous meeting were read and accepted with two amendments.  They were 1)Amanda Brooks did arrive for the previous meeting at 11:00 and 2) That the Community Show was cancelled due to lack of volunteers.  Linda motioned to accept, Tammy second, motion passed.

Sherri handed out the Summer Sizzler show bill with suggested changes and items noticed.  Talked about the money classes no noted and some that needed to be added.  Also talked about layout of some classes being back to back, that were Open and Armature, making it hard for someone to get in the ring in time.  Debbie mentioned she was very disappointed that there were no sport horse classes, since it had been talked about previously.  Mary mentioned that her mom, who is a judge, says she has noticed that if a show has sport horse classes it usually makes money.  Debbie mentioned Elaine Kabalah from the Cinci/Ky area who is a sport horse judge and is reasonably priced.  Talked about possibly upping the price of the sport horse classes to help cover the additional expense of a sport horse judge, (similar to what the NRA does for their money classes).  Question raised by Sharon and Sherri what about stalls.  Since last year we basically used our total allotment, what will we do with the extra horses we might get for sport horse?  If we have a bigger than normal turnout, the first year, we can put the overflow into the indoor stalls, provided there is not an indoor show going on that weekend.  If we will continue to need additional stalls, we will have to move the show inside, or make other arrangements (i.e. portable/tent stalls).  Who will try to contact judge to get appx cost and availability to determine if sport horse is doable?  Debbie said she would contact Elaine.  We talked about an e-newsletter.  Region 14 directory doesn't have all members listed in it.  Region 14 won't host our newsletter on their website.  Louise motioned that the Sizzler Committee meet to add the sport horse classes, Jim seconded, motioned passed.

Sherri bought up the admin expense of delegates and how she had wanted Jean Hedger to be free since she was going to convention anyway.  But Louise paid her because she was our only delegate and we pay our delegates to go.  It was pointed out that Jean had not met our by-laws by volunteering for two events.

We discussed the tack sales, and how we had not direct volunteers. 

It was noticed that we operate within our by-laws sometimes and other times no.  We need to get more organized and adjust our by-laws.

OVAHA Awards will be at 1:00.  We will have a general meeting, then the Awards, and have a speaker (Dr Miller's daughter who runs the River of Hope Farm, Marty Baltus).

The Alex Ramage sport horse clinic has been changed to April 11th at 1:00, still at Tammy's.  We discussed a fee and a box

Proposed having a Sizzler Committee meeting Sun Mar 8th at 4:00 at Sherri's house.

Talked about having a set date and time for our meeting so that people can plan around it.  Sharon motioned for the 2nd Wed of ea month at 7:00p.m. Linda second, motion passed.  We than talked about whether it should always be at one place, but that idea was not settled or finalized.  Sherri will check with Panera Bread on Miller Ln.

Sherri would like to add some form of electronic voting to our by-laws, as Jim pointed out under Robert's Rules it is not currently allowed, except by teleconference.

Sherri had nothing to report on the Fall Festival.  Discussed how we haven't registered it and it is hard to find a show secretary.  Talked about various horse show options.  Krista mentioned maybe do like a sale horse barn and do Arab demos.  Jim pointed out the point is not necessarily to make money, but to promote the breed.  Debbie mentioned the Black Horse Literacy program, and how out west they rotate it through the various counties.  Will discuss that one later.

Budget proposed is $300.  Mary motioned to accept, Sharon second, motion passed.  Tammy mentioned she still had some items left from last year.

Budget requested $130.  Tammy motioned to accept, Debbie second, all approved.

Jim said there are two problems with the web site: not getting information in a timely manner to post it, and we've had not activity on the futurity.  He asked if could remove it - we decided "no".   He also needs bio info for the officers and board members.  Talked about possible adding a Google calendar that would allow us to all stay synced on activities.

Summer Sizzler
Budget, Louise said usually runs about $13k-15k, but that is just the expense side.  The insurance bill is due and it is $630, same as last year.  We have three public event days.  The only day specified so far is the Sizzler.  Debbie motioned to pay, Linda second, motioned passed.

Strawberry Festival
Krista passed out budget.  They are looking at possibly getting a trailer for Hickory River, so the tent fee may go away.  She need the money for application/registration ($45) and electric ($60) now and feels it is best to come from the club.  Debbie motioned, Sharon second, motion passed to accept the budget and Louise gave her a check.  There will be no Friday food service.  We will need volunteers.  Sharon said she would pull the sign-up form from last year.

Debbie mentioned they have some nice items for the Silent Auction at the awards banquet, such as items from the Hat Lady, stall packages.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30

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