Time & Place
OVAHA Board Meeting July 24, 2008 at Pop’s Diner, Miller Lane
Meeting called to order at 7:30
(Officers) Sherri Lewis, Tammy Hawkeye, Sharon Hanks, Louise Michels, Marcia Doncaster: (Board Members) Amanda Brooks, Linda Laufer and Bill Pennington: (Committee Chairs and Others) Suzy Zech, James Bohren and Krista Bowman. Also JoAnne Pennington and Kerry.
Sherri Lewis opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of previous meeting were read by Sharon. Sherri motioned to accept, Marcia seconded – minutes were accepted.
Sherri handed out attendance spreadsheet and stated that we have done something every month except April. She reminded us that if a person missed two consecutive meetings it was grounds for removal. She thanked all us for our attendance.
Vice President
No Report
Louise had an updated report to handout. Spent $800 on Sizzler mailing. Admin expenses were flowers for Jean Hedger, website fee of $75 and purchase of electronic Roberts Rules. Pre-bills seemed to be paid. Suzy has had problems w/ the ribbons (ribbons for both Sizzler and Community Show were combined and need to be separated). She needed appx $288 for add’l 88 ribbons and had to pay an expedited fee. Sherri motioned to file the report for audit.
Community/Charity Show
The judge will be Paul Dorerman. Johnny Johnston will be there on Friday for the Scouts and the Mary Haven kids will be there. Johnny will be in the area the week prior to the show if we want farm pictures - $90 deposit/horse if want farm shot. Jim asked about local photo shops and photography. Sherri said yes. Contemplate barn C for photos.
The issue of insurance got brought up re: the Scouts and horsemanship. Louise said if they are on the horse our current insurance won’t cover it – it costs $175 per horse to be on it. If they only do ground work we are covered. Need to know what’s on Friday evening as currently not covered.
Linda Laufer mentioned there is rumor that OH is going to make it a law that must wear helmet if even handling a horse. Sherri confirmed we need insurance for Friday. Asked if we need to save a day of our coverage? Most felt “no”. Louise said it is $125 if event is horseshow type.
Linda Laufer gave her Black Horse Literacy report. Last year we gave money to Mary Haven and it was use to buy toiletries. This year she suggested maybe we could give to the parents of the Children Services kids, such as a gas card, etc. Sharon questioned giving something directly to the parents vs. giving something to the kids. There was much discussion about this. There will be appx 10 kids or kids and parents. Krista mentioned the stuffed horses she had got at a sale (24 small and 4 large) that we might be able to put in “care packages” for the kids.
Laraine couldn’t attend but she asked for $50 to buy carrots, etc. Marcia motioned, Sharon seconded – motioned passed.
Tammy had no report. Marcia asked about what was spent on it. Tammy said appx $450 spent last year.
Glynis has taken over. Marcia mentioned that Louise needs to be on the account. There was much discussion about the fact that there are 3 accounts – the main account with checking, and the 2 separate Futurity accounts. Sherri said that Amanda was the Futurity account treasurer. Bill mentioned that we should have just one Futurity account. Sharon wanted to make three motions but only two were made (the third was time limit or done by date for the other two). She motioned that they combine the two Futurity accounts. Marcia seconded, all agreed, motioned passed Second motion was to add Louise to the Heartland account. Marcia seconded, motioned passed.
Suzy gave a report. We have 66 1 yr, 4 life, 4 youth, and 14 3 –yr, and 5 associate. We received a check with a farm name on it (Freeland Farm), but we don’t do farm memberships, so need one with personal name on it.
Jim had a question for Sherri, where does it require a report for agenda prior to a meeting? Bill expressed a problem with feeling like he is dictated to by the Robert’s Rules. We can use a standard agenda. Linda mentioned the agenda that Debbie Swaggert uses. Sherrie was okay with the agenda idea, okay with bullets/topics of interest.
Rec Riding
Marcia reported that we have 20 active members, 8 new people this year and appx 15 for the trail ride at Possum Creek. It was a fun ride.
Marcia asked Linda about getting the Reg 14 walkies. Linda has a card for a photographer. Tammy has at least 70 stalls reserved/paid for w/out talking to Donna. Marcia e-mailed about TBAs. 11 don’t have money for. Marcia asked Tammy to be trail coordinator – she suggested. Larry or Kerry. E-mail Shirley about shavings and camping near stable. One outside show office. Asked for a copy of the thing. Tammy will be there Thursday. Marcia mentioned stick horse that Tammy had asked about. Tammy said she would check with Laura Woodruff re: supplies. Suggested yarn, and duct tape. Lori McIntosh they have a drill team together and will be performing both days after the supper break. They are getting stalls and staying in a camper and will get a hold of Marcia or Tammy. Sherri was please that several big barns would be coming: Stackowski, Esser, and Siemon. Tammy asked for $100 for farm stabling and has 4 of those. Sponsors: Saturday is almost completely full. Sunday still needs sponsors. Gate openers needed. Sherri mentioned our workers being visible. We have mailed or given out all but appx 2 of the flyers that were printed.
Strawberry Festival
Krista had a check for $2,509 for OVAHA. We were all thrilled. Saturday sales were down due to rain shut down during lunch. Total sales for Sat were $2481, Sun sales were $3243. Had to give 15% to Strawberry Festival after expenses. Sherri motioned to do it again next year, Sharon seconded, everyone agreed, motion passed.
Krista asked about the club giving to the Arabian Horse Re-Homing program. Addis and Blackhorse, and AHA have supported it. They save low-end, auction bound, abused, etc Arabians. They could put us as link on their website and we would be the first club to donate. We can dictate where the money goes. Linda motioned that we give $500 this year. The motion was amended to also give 25% of our proceeds in future years we work the Strawberry Fest. Jim seconded, motioned passed.
Suzy motioned that we rent a tent from the festival next year. Bill seconded, the motion passed.
Black Horse Lit
Want to have a pizza party. Linda asked if Boy and Girl Scouts are to be included in the pizza party. Answer was “no” because they’ll only be there Friday. Since it will be appx 10 people, will get them from Papa Johns and perhaps pop or orange drink from McDs who may give cups). Linda spent $50 on BBQ for 5 people. Linda wanted a costume horse. Sherri said Jan Sharp is coming this year again and Linda would need to pay for half out of her budget (appx $125). Report can ask for money. Having the group come on Saturday and bring the book of their choice and they will read to a horse. Watch costume class and Jan Sharp and then pizza party. Sherri will give schedule when she hears back from CC show committee.
Sherri mentioned the 2nd week in October with actual TBD. Sport Horse and saddle fitting in Center Valley, Alex Ramage is doing as a general meeting.
Marcia mentioned delegates. We need a general meeting. Louise mentioned a Halloween Party.
Bill will do center ring. Still need a show secretary for Community Show.
Marcia mentioned the IN Reg 14 Trail Ride. Still have a few spots open. There are 45 reservations so far. Bought 60 shirts. Cost is $75 for 2 breakfasts, Sat evening steak dinner, stall, camping spot, there will be corn-hole and other activities.
Agreed we needed a meeting after Sizzler but before Community Show, but no firm date set. Sherri will e-mail next meeting date.
Meeting adjourned.