Time & Place
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 at Rudy’s BBQ, Springfield, OH.
Sherri Lewis, Tammy Hawkey, Sharon Hanks, Louise Michels, Marcia Doncaster, Amanda Brooks, Linda Laufer, Mary Loden, Laraine Hune, James Bohren, Becky Pitcock
Pledge of Allegiance was done.
Marcia motioned to accept minutes from previous board meeting as posted to website. Linda Laufer seconded. Motion passed.
Reports of Officers
Louise had a Treasure Report as of May 2008 that she went over. Grants for shows only $500. Profit from the tack sales was only approximately $21 after pay backs and expenses. One cost is $60 for tables at the two sales.
She paid and reinstated our non-profit tax status. Last year at May we were at $15,000. Admin costs include sending delegates to convention, tax free status paperwork. Last year admin costs were appx $1,400.
Tammy had an invoice for $448.97 for high-point program and prizes.
Amanda second motion to accept and file report for audit.
Fall Festival, Community Show, and Futurity
Paul Devoorman is the judge. Have to sell minimum of 50 stalls, same as last year. Johnny Johnson will do farm shots and a clinic for the scouts.
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts earning badges, appx 10 horses involved and 50 spectators. Badge program hoping to open up to other counties.
Jason Chiles will also be giving us a clinic on June 21 or there abouts, for us as fund raiser and general meeting.
Louise will check on insurance. Marcia said we have never had insurance before, but we didn’t use the clinics as fund raisers.
Glenis took over futurity. Five stallions committed and paid $250 to participate. Sales – four of five breedings sold for a total of $1,400. Bidding – we had 2 from NC, 1 MD, 3 KY, WI, OH, 3 from west coast CA, 1 unknown and 1 from Canada. Electronic news, e-mail blasts cost $250 for both messages/blasts. Due to the 1st not being done in a timely manner the 2nd was free. Marcia bought up money and the need to decide how to do the finances for the futurity. Money bid for breeding goes into the futurity fund. The Futurity account is separate: Louise should be added as a signer. Jim asked if we copy-righted the Heartland logo. The logo is copy-righted by Cloud Nine. Sherri will check into it.
Next thing is to get stuff out to those who have been in it in the past. $50 this year – just not eligible for the auction fee.
Big thanks to Jim.
Started out with $632 from the BBQ. $275 for e-mail, $500 for logo purchase, $1,250 received in nominations $967 left and $43.21 reimbursed to Glenis for her expenses.
Suzy sent a report out, Louise read.
Jim gave info on the web page. It has the Strawberry info. Sharon asked to indicate the club application on the home page. It is there under the logo.
Strawberry Festival Fund Raiser
Sat and Fri need appx 4 in the booth. Thursday is set up. Will do an e-mail blasé re: tent, Krista has everything else.
Laraine – no TAIL report
WebMaster/ Parliamentarian
Jim has bill for Roberts Rule.
Summer Sizzler
Marcia said as of now we have judges, steward, secretary and are awaiting contracts on vet and EMT. Larry Kinnear will do center ring. Suzy sent prize list to USEF and they’ve received and should get approval. Flyers will be worked on next weekend. Vendors – power washer would wash trailer – will contact him.
Mary - $1230 in sponsorships. Got IN/Reg 13 $500 deposit. Still need class sponsors – Mary had forms there. Linda Laufer asked for one. Tammy will do barns. Do we know where electric is other than in the ends and the middle? Mary did not know for sure. Lee Wolloroy is photographer of Speed Shot Photo.
Jim had talked to a videographer from New Carlisle who may be interested $30 class DVD, may only 5 or 6 to come. Marcia mentioned $100/vendor.
Laraine will do ribbons on Sat, still needs someone for Sunday.
Linda and Dale mentioned community service to work gates and ribbons.
Suzy and Marcia are going to SAHABA show next week and will hand out flyers.
$300 requested for sponsorship of class in show book for Youth Nationals. Linda asked do we have any youth going to Nationals. Sharon asked about request for donations. Louise motioned to support Youth National at $300. Linda Laufer seconded. Vote taken 4 in favor (Louise, Marcia, Mary, & Linda) 3 against. Motion passed.
Region 14 Trail Ride
Marcia asked if anyone had signed up. She has had several e-mails about it. If we want to go as a group we need to sign up as a group. If application goes in before June 1st we get a T-shirt.
Marcia talked about our Rec Riding program. Trail ride in IN may be double hours. Larry Kinnear joined Rec Riding and has signed up for the IN ride. Marcia would like to send out and e-mail blasts to members NLT Memorial Day telling them to include shirt size.
Next board meeting will be July 21st at 7:00, place TBD.
Marcia brought up getting a new banner since the old one has the old logo on it. A 4’x6’ would cost appx $69. Krista will check on it. After talking about it we decided to get one similar in size to what we currently have. Sharon motioned if Krista could get it for $100 or less to do so. Linda Laufer seconded. Motion passed.
Sherri mentioned the Equine Advisory Board that will provide equine information to Warren County and the state. The Warren county commission only received 80 responses. She will email the website to me, so I can do a blast to the members to check it out.
Meeting closed at 8:25 |