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OVAHA Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday October 02, 2008
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Sharon Hanks on vacation, therefore, no minutes to report

Community Show had a $742 profit. Louise mentioned she now has all the information/checkbook for the Heartland Futurity. She mentioned that the Heartland checking is listed as a business account and the current Futurity savings is listed as a personal account and that could cause a problem moving funds between the two. There was discussion that the savings draws a small interest and the checking does not.  Marcia motioned to close the Heartland Futurity checkbook and combine the funds with the current futurity savings account that the club has had in place. Second by Mary Loden.  Motion passed.

Louise is still waiting on Donna Auber’s breakdown of the Sizzler expenses before she can give an accurate account of how much the Sizzler made this year. An approximate profit amount looks to be about $5,000.

Treasurer’s report filed for audit.

Suzy reported not much change from the last report.

Jim Bohren – website map of names and addresses cannot be separated to just location only, therefore, we will probably not list them on our website due to the Privacy Act.

Recreation Riding
There will be a “double the hours” trail ride on Sunday, November 9th , 10:00 a.m. at Carriage Hill Reserve in Huber Heights.

Summer Sizzler
Marcia motioned to change the dates to July 18 & 19 to  meet available dates at the Champion Center.  Louise second. Motion passed.  There will be a committee meeting Wed, November 12 7:00 p.m. location to be determined.  Marcia sending in contracts with USEF, AHA and Champion Center to get approval of dates.

There was no news on the upcoming officer elections as Tammy was not present. There were no nominations from the floor at that time.

The November 1 General Meeting/Party at Krista Bowman’s is still a go. Sherri to contact Krista for directions/details and will e-mail all club members.

Sherri will contact Pam Brooks regarding the Sport Horse clinic being hosted by Alexandria Ramage in October and e-mail everyone of the date/time/place. Alex received Champion ATH, Reserve Open in hand and 2 Top Ten awards with PA Masterpiece. Congrats to her!

There was discussion on the Arabian Horse News and how dissatisfied the members are with the paper. Sherri said there was also discussion at the last Regional meeting.   There wasn’t a club article in this month’s paper.

Convention was discussed with current possible delegates being Sherri Lewis, Tammy Hawkey and Mary Loden. We are allowed 2 delegates and 1 alternate. Marcia motioned to give an allowance of $500 per delegate and $250 to one alternate. Mark Bingman second. Motion passed.

Jim Bohren motioned to give $375 of the Community Show profits to the Mary Haven Youth Center. Second by Linda Laufer. Motion passed.

Linda Laufer made a motion to give $350 from the General Fund to Warren Co Children Services. Suzy Zech second. Motion passed.

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