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OVAHA Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday June 10, 2009 @ 7:25 pm 
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Time and Place
Meeting called to order at 7:25 pm

Sharon read minutes from past meeting. Marcia motioned to accept minutes, Tammy seconded, motion passed. Sherri said we are incorporated, check the state website. Jim asked for the web address.

Louise handed out Treasurer's report, and went over Marcia motioned to accept, Tammy seconded, motion passed.

Hi Point
Tammy didn't have anything to report, except that Dale and Becky keep sending in their stuff.

Suzy had e-mailed the latest membership report prior to the meeting - we are up a little.

Jim said we are more or less up to date on the website. We've paid for the website for one year. We have one item that is backlogged and that is the futurity - it has a lot of money in, but old info.  He feels it needs to be updated or killed. This opened the topic of "Are we or are we not going to be having a futurity"? Tammy said she would check/call the futurity people and check with them. Futurity needs to at the Summer Sizzler (SS) and it would have to be Friday night. Tammy will chair the Futurity. Check dae if they want to show, etc.

Summer Sizzler (SS)
EMT need for Saturday and a Ring Master for Saturday. And need a scribe. Tammy asked how much was paid for the farrier, answer appx $300, for pm Fri-Sun. Sherri will send e-mail for gate workers and will do newsletter 1-2 before show Plaques - need new logos. Sponsorships - don't know how many. Shirley Mann had called and said that an indoor Rodeo had been planned for the same weekend as us, but they moved the dates. Asked if we wanted the indoor arena, but we passed.  Marcia will check on catering and exhibitor's party. 

Strawberry Festival
Was a success, but no official report as Krista was not present.

Old Business
Marcia mentioned she is still concerned about Michal being a board member, since he hasn't attended a meeting in six months. She wanted to motion that we replace him, but Sherri will check with him one more time. One option for a replacement member may be Christian Herder.

New Business
Extra ribbons, by June 29th, will give to me at the next meeting. Marcia will try to figure out the Hi-Point for last year.

Sport Horse in Hand Arabian and Half-Arabian 2 plaques, and purebred supreme Halter Champion.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm

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